First Frames:
Moving Pictures Arrive in the Northwest


  • With a limited population base and few ways to travel the region, except by water, touring engagements like Pearson’s Panorama of the War were few and far between in the early Northwest. But similar “illustrated lectures” would follow, in what became a popular entertainment genre during Washington’s territorial years.

First Frames: Moving Pictures Arrive in the Northwest

Reel 1: Stage Before Screen

First Frames: Moving Pictures Arrive in the Northwest

Reel 2: A Peep Show Preview

First Frames: Moving Pictures Arrive in the Northwest

Reel 3: Pictures Alive Begin to Arrive

First Frames: Moving Pictures Arrive in the Northwest

Reel 4: Some Home-Grown Entertainment

First Frames: Moving Pictures Arrive in the Northwest

Reel 5: Fight Club

First Frames: Moving Pictures Arrive in the Northwest

Reel 6: Back to the Storefront